Monday, November 19, 2007

The interwebz is the boss of me

Missy: I have to do a post tonight.
Jollan: Why?
Missy: Cos I have to.
Jollan: You don't have to.
Missy: Yes I do.
Jollan: Why?
Missy: Cos I do.
Jollan: You don't.
Missy: Yes I do.
Jollan: Why?
Missy: Everyone has to.
Jollan: No they don't.
Missy: Yes they do. The internet said so.


  1. Anonymous1:14 pm

    Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated...Mwahaha

  2. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Fight back goddammit! Grow some cajones and bring about the revolution!

    Of course, that can be done at the end of the month. Me likes this every day posting very muchly, at the end of a long day, sitting at my comp, checking the emails with my coffee (and air-con) and your latest postings. Keep up the v good work!

  3. You're cheating! A post about you having to post a post is not a post.

    do I make myself clear!!

  4. And the net is always right isn't it!!


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