Sunday, March 30, 2008

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go*

Have you guys tried this?

It's this cool little thing whereby you can search for places by average temperature. How brilliant is that?!

(In case you're wondering where all this is coming from, Adelaide's heat wave is over, and it has occurred to me that I may not be properly warm again until summer kicks in again sometime around November.)

After searching for places with an average temperature of between 25 and 40 degrees, I have concluded that I am moving to the Caribbean. (Honourable mentions to Egypt, Florida, Greece, Spain, and the UAE. Nice try.) Who wants to come with?

*In hindsight, this may cause some title repitition problems in around 106 days 18 hours and 9 minutes, but we'll deal with that then, mkay?


  1. Anonymous8:30 pm

    bletch. I am wanting something with temps between 18 and 25.

  2. Anonymous1:32 pm

    you need to get a life no seriously you need to get one...

  3. I'll go with. I hate the cold, but don't want it to be extremely hot either (like it is here).


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