Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dear Virgin

Dear Virgin,

Since it is Thanksgiving in places which celebrate such things, I just thought I’d write to let you know the things I’m thankful for.

I am thankful for people like Janet Evanovich, Lemony Snicket, and John Marsden, who send their books to publishers at the opportune moment (*coughunlikeJKRowlingcough*) enabling the hours to pass more swiftly in Trenton, or Wirrawee than in Brisbane airport. Even if the resolution/plot is not to my liking.

You personally have done well with the personalised TV screens in the back of everyone’s seats. I am very thankful for the invention of Foxtel but my credit card would be even more thankful if it didn’t have to do any work.

I would like to thank you for the bowls of cracked-pepper-and-pumpkin soup. And those little dinner rolls with their cute little pats of butter. And the machine full of apple and blackcurrant juice. (You might consider frozen raspberry next time as well.)

You’ve also done well with the big screen TVs and the pro-Aussie cricket score. That was a nice touch. I’d also like to thank you for the internet access that I can’t access but you have the little outlet which is cool, and the power outlets so I’m not wasting my laptop battery as I type this. I’m thankful for that.

I’d thank you for the free alcohol but alas, you don’t seem to have any Toblerones or vodka-and-oranges on tap, and the beer and wine, while nice, don’t quite cut it. But points for trying.

And finally, thanks for the Arrival and Departure screens (but maybe next time you could make sure my flight isn’t the last one for the day) and the personalised lounge announcements. It’s a new flying experience for me being able to understand the “Flight 575 to Darwin is now ready for boarding”-type messages. As I’m sure you’ll agree, these are quite important in the game of Let’s Not Miss The Last Plane Home and I thank you for clarifying my position (ie “Don’t worry. You won’t.”) with your messages.

I consider it a $30-bowl-of-pumpkin-soup well spent.

Oh PS. One more question. Where was all this when I was flying from London to Darwin by way of New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, and Adelaide, a journey which took four days and three reads of Harry Potter 6?


  1. 0h, there you are.

    when one decides to use one's site meter, finding people becomes much easier.
    who knew?

  2. yep here i am. hello backatcha.

    ok that was odd. tiffany...over here. hmm. i could get used to it.

    and hi everyone else!

    yep go the sitemeter... just dont look too hard or you might find some scaryass stalker.


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