Sunday, November 19, 2006

Goooood morning everybody!

None of you reminded me, but here it is anyway.

Remember how at KSA, everyone could recite Irwin's little speeches? No? Okay, they went like this:

"Goooooooood morning everybody. That. was. reville! Eeeeeeeeeverybody rise and shine. Flag raising will be in twenty five minutes! Twenty five minutes. to assembly."

"That was the end of elective number one and the start of elective number. Campers, collect your belongings and move on to your next activity."

"That was the end of morning free play. Coaches please close down your sport areas. Campers, collect all your equipment and back to bunks NOW."

"Everybody please find a seat for our lunchtime announcements... In major league baseball... (blah blah blah baseball scores)."

Ok, you get the picture.

Well, there's something just like that here at the Hall.

House Committee does messages everyday and leaves them on everyone's phone. So you pick up the phone and press the message button.

"Please enter your security c - [Enters security code] You have *one* new message, and *two* saved messages. Press one to listen to messages - [Presses one] -
'Hey Hallies, House Committee messages for today are about soccer, the carpark, and swotvac. There will soccer training at 5pm today on the ovals, apologies to Someone. The carpark gate was struck by lightning, so make sure you remove all your belongings and lock up your cars. Swotcav is on this week, which means the Hall is for silent study. Some people still have exams, so if you need to make noise, please go down to the ballroom or off campus, and have respect for your neighbours who may be trying to study. Cheers guys!'

Ok, I made all that up, but it's totally an excellent sample of what I get every. single. day.

Have a listen to this:


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