Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yay For November Birthdays

I love people who have birthdays in November. It's like, "Hmm, what should I write about today? Oh, yeah, it's LMC's birthday! Whoo!" And you totally have a topic, just like that.

(I still really like last year's LMC bday post and this one about us getting presents, so if you need something to read, I suggest you check those out.)

The first LMC birthday party I can remember was the one she had at Hungry Jacks one year. We would have been in primary school, maybe seven or eight years old? I remember she got the same card from like three different people. I remember she had an ice-cream cake. And I remember laying under the slide with one of her friends from school cos I didn't know the rest.

The next one I remember was the first time I went to Hog's Breath. We were maybe 12? I remember being totally underdressed compared to what her friends were wearing, but I think that was because I stayed over her house unplanned the night before or something. I remember getting ready with LMC and her friends (who by now were kinda my friends as well). This was the day I learned the trick of brushing your hair off a bed to put it in a ponytail.

I think the last time we were together on her birthday was her 18th. Me and a couple of my mates took her into town (which is kind of a joke, since we'd all been out before we were 18, but this was kind of tradition) and bought her her first legal drink. We got cocktails at Ducks about three seconds before they closed that part of the bar, and I'm so sorry LMC, because they were shithouse. A Fruit Tingle is not supposed to taste like that. But I think we made up for that with all those drinks at Shags that time.

(I'm kind of thinking maybe I should've saved those last two for the next two years' worth of November 15th NaBloPoMo posts. But I just did a search and I haven't told you the story of LMC's and my finest moment, so I got you covered.)


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