Friday, April 18, 2008

Wardrobe Unfunction

Remember when I went to Oakbank?

Not really, I'm sure, cos I forgot to tell you anything about it, like the fact that I bought a yellow necklace thing.

While I was at work last night, I designed an entire outfit around this necklace. The outfit involved a yellow ribbon threaded through the belt loops in my shorts and tied around one of them. (It looked much hotter than that sounds.)

HOWEVER. Tequila shots + the 'once you break the seal' phenomenon + A FRICKING KNOT: how did this seem like a good idea?


  1. tequila shots are never a good idea. there are far tastier ways to pickle your liver.

  2. tequila shots are never a good idea. there are far tastier ways to pickle your liver.

  3. how did that happen 2x?

  4. yeah i don't know. you clearly feel doubly strongly about tequila shots.


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