Thursday, August 02, 2007

To all the lucky bitches who went to BlogHer...

...and now have a civic responsibility to post about it.

To whom it may concern:

I do not want to read another post which says 'BlogHer was awesome but everyone's already said everything there is to say therefore I am going to move on to other, less huge-exciting-event type topics' or anything to that effect.

No, everyone has not said everything.

Everyone has said nothing.

You must say something, if not everything there is to say, about BlogHer07.

Linking to the trillion drunken photos you have is not enough. Drunken photos need tales of ensuing drunken hijinks.

I anticipate the sudden rush of comprehensive posts about BlogHer, and thank you in advance for their length and hilarity of content.

Yours in jealousy (but just wait til next year)

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