Friday, August 04, 2006


There are ducks on campus. It is very bizarre since there is no resevoir or Popeye in sight. This confuses me. Anyhow.

I was sitting there, minding my own business, eating my ham and salad roll (in a hurry, might I add, as it was cold outside and there was a breeze...) when all of a sudden, there's these two ducks looking at me.

I went walking, what did I see?
I saw two ducks, looking at me.

I kept eating.

Then I hear this quacking sound coming from my foot.
Turns out my foot wasn't actually quacking, these ducks were standing right there suggesting I give them my lunch. Which might have seemed like a good idea, as I could then go to the library where it's nice and warm, but in fact wouldn't have been, as I would have then been very hungry.

I wish there was a more dramatic conclusion to the story.
But I digress.

I moved my foot out a little.
They moved backwards.
I relaxed.
They came closer.
I moved my foot, they retreated.
I retreated, they advanced.

You see the pattern?

However, at this point, some other person sat down on one of the benches, they left, I finished my roll, and they didn't even get the crumbs.

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