Friday, August 04, 2006

Bugger Up

So I couldn't sleep.

Actually, I was asleep, and then some stupid person made a loud noise, and I woke up. Then I couldn't sleep.

I looked at my watch, and it was after midnight. On Friday, August 4th, 2006.

So I put on my pretty Uni Hall hoodie that I bought the other night, and went out to look at the view. There is a good view from Uni Hall, lots of fairy lights, but I'm betting it would be a hundred times better from the top of the Social Sciences building. But that's a long long walk so I had to be content with my little view.

Turns out views are colder when you're 21 than when you're 20, so I went inside. (Ok, it could have been the fact it was like one in the morning, yes.)

Burnsey, who I know, Alex, who I've seen and now know his name, and Doorsy/Megan who I've never met, were all playing cards with someone else before the view, and when I got back B & D were playing Five Hundred, so I sat down to watch. They finished and the four of us decided to play Bugger Up.

It's kind of like Euker, but if you play like you're playing Euker, you'll get buggered up. After each hand's dealt, you have to guess how many tricks you'll win. And then you have to try to win that many tricks. Or not win, depending on how many you said. It has a few more rules, but that the basic gist. It was really fun, and I did much better in the second game when I stopped trying to win tricks, and started trying to win the game.

We'll have to play it when I come up or you come down k?

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