Thursday, December 18, 2008

Graduation Pictures

As of yesterday morning, I am officially graduated. Any inclination I had to repeat the process to get my Honours certificate next April was beaten out of me around about the five bajillionth name they called out, which was probably one that wasn't even in the program, like, NOW YOU'RE JUST MAKING THINGS UP. Apart from that, it was lovely. I walked, shook, doffed, and accepted (then napped, as I was in the first group of twenty. Out of, like, twenty bajillion). The dress and shoes and cap and gown all did perfectly, as did Photographer Shelle.

Slideshow here plus some of my favourite pics below, depending on whether you like sliding or scrolling down.

Thank you to everyone I've relied on for distraction and support over the past several years. I love you. And now ... no more essays!


  1. Anonymous3:07 pm

    Congratulations! You made it!

  2. Congratulations! But we never got to see how your gold shoes coordinated with your gold hood!

    You're a blogger, hon. It's all essays from now on!

  3. YAY!!!!! WOOT!!!!! FREAKING CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Many many congrats to you, but uh where's the shoes?

  5. CONGRATS BABE!!! How exciting. I absolutely love that dress, but like Adreinne I want to see the shoes!


  6. Congrats!!!!Love the dress!

  7. aw congrats congrats! and i love your green dress, so cute! :)

  8. Congratulations!

  9. Thank you everyone!

    Oops, I will post the shoe pics soon.

  10. hooray! getting a degree is awesome. now maybe you can get a job in a restaurant, like me!

    show me some shoes, girlie.

  11. Or work in a factory like me, and be on layoff half the time!

    Oh, that's only if you double-majored in Physics and Philosophy.


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