Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Birthdays (5th and 50th)

On the 21st of July, 2006 I moved to Adelaide and posted the first entry on this blog. Today is my blog's 5th birthday. DUDE, FIVE YEARS. Happy Birthday, blog I mostly abandoned but occasionally feel the need to post to. You are fun.


It is also MY birthday coming up, and for the first time since my 18th, I am having a party. (This does not mean that I have done nothing to mark the day in all the years since then; I love my birthday and there is always cake and friends involved.)

This year I am co-throwing a party, which seems like a good way for no one person to have to freak out too much. Our combined birthday age will be 50, so naturally we are having a Gold Themed 50th Birthday Party.

I went shopping for the perfect dress today, and got quite excited when - for the first time ever - I thought my imagination matched what was actually in fashion. Sadly, the gold dresses turned out to be either more hoodies than dresses, or more beige than gold. The perfect dress remains elusive!

The invitations have gone out (and let me tell you, once you start inviting frisbee people, all the spaces fill up pretty quickly) on actual paper, none of this Facebook invite crap. We are going for the old-fashioned ideas that RSVPs actually mean something, and that we want you at our party enough to hand write your name on a piece of paper and on an envelope.

Dear Birthday Gods,
For my birthday I would like the perfect dress (gold, under $50, preferably sparkly), for everyone to respondez s'il vous plait on time (preferably with yes), for everyone to actually turn up as RSVPed, and for everyone to have an absolutely smashing time.
Love and birthday cake,


  1. Have you tried secondhand shops? There must be some dress that someone bought that was all gold and sparkly and wore once - or maybe never - and months or years later looked at it and said "Why the hell did I buy THAT?" And it would be perfect for what you have in mind!

  2. And huge congratulations on your five-year blogiversary!

  3. Happy Happy on both birthdays!! Miss you.

  4. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear blogger
    Happy birthday to you (and your blog).


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