I feel like I had to fight so hard to get my (one-year-old or brand new) Christmas traditions happening this year.
Going to Lobethal to see the Lights got dropped out of, postponed, dropped out of and cancelled.
I didn't go to either of my work Christmas Parties due to other commitments (an SA frisbee awards night, at which I won exactly nothing, no I'm not at all bitter that a whole year of frisbee was for nothing, and a friend Christmas Party).
Plans to go Christmas shopping were cancelled, postponed, or shortened.
Practice Christmas Dinner happened fairly successfully. Things got cooked (on my new barbecue) (guess what, I got a barbecue for Christmas) and eaten and we played music.
Mine and Shelle's traditional 'last-minute before she goes home for Christmas shopping trip' was not at all frantic and last-minute-like! We actually cheered when a pushy woman was rude to us. It gets us in the Christmas mood, that's just how we roll.
My 'Boost Juice for the work crew' was completed but destroyed by Caruso opening the fridge too fast and smashing Montana's drink onto the floor. My donating went off 50% successfully: the gift wrapping was now being done for free/sponsored instead of by the Salvation Army, but World Vision were right where they were supposed to be and even offered me a goat. My Wishing Tree Tradition decided to freak me out by not having any tags left on the tree, but of course they were still accepting donations so all was well. (Five year old boys like B
en10, Knex, Toy Story, and Cars, right? Sixteen year old boys like Nike and Adidas, right? Sweet.)Christmas Eve Mass and Christmas Carols was partially dropped out of but went ahead very successfully, except for the choir not ending with Happy Christmas (War Is Over) and Merry Christmas
like they're supposed to and the saint statue not having a Santa hat on its head.
Christmas Eve: visiting with Shelle, Mass and Carols with Eriko and Gma and ALyn (at least Grandma will
always make Christmas Treats. RIGHT, GRANDMA?), eating and presents and playing with Sarah and Alison;
Christmas Day: with orphans aka my housemates, with my bbq and new dvds, and with way too much food; and
Boxing Day: at the beach
were all pretty fricking awesome.
I don't know what my valuable lesson is. Stress less? The important plans will come together? You can't control other people, you can only control how you react? The best moments will be the spontaneous ones? It's the people you spend it with that matters? A good present can make up for all the rest of it? No idea, I just hope you all had a lovely Christmas, with traditions or not, whatever makes you happy!